Le mot du Président


I really enjoy inviting you to learn and to become enthralled by the world of insects at Hexapoda – Jean Leclercq Insectarium. Indeed if, like me, you’ve felt intrigued by the diversity and theadaptiveness of insects in our everyday life, that we meet in our gardens, our houses or in every kind of place like fields, woods, water.

Then I hope you will have the opportunity to come visit us to discover the fascinating world of insects, in their diversity, their functional and adaptive reality, be it butterflies, bees and other six-legged (hexapods) representatives living inside in the vivariums or outside in the aviary or in the specially fitted habitats in the entomologic garden.

If you are drawn to insects and if you wonder where you might learn more about biology, identification of insects and their roles … then you have found the place. Amateur entomologist or student interested by insects, we organise initiation or perfecting sessions (in collaboration with the Entomology Unit of the Gembloux Agro-Bio-TechUniversity of Liège) in entomology to answer all your wishes and to take you closer to the world of insects.

Next to the museal structure, a 17 hectare site is fitted as an ecological walking path and many entomologic activities are organised at the “Maison de Hesbaye” in Waremme. If insects are our privileged guests, other vegetal and animal organisms are also part of the site and only wish to be discovered during your visits.

Wishing you a good visit of our natural site in general and of our insectarium in particular, I hope to meet you in Waremme.

Frédéric Francis

President “Hexapoda – Jean Leclercq Insectarium”, Professor at Gembloux Agro-Bio-TechUniversity of Liège
Le jardin
La ruche

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